Inertia is a programming language that has been brewing
in my head for a few years now. It's a language based on
objects, blocks (closures) and messages, with syntax and
semantics borrowed from several languages -- refactored
and stripped of extraneous symbols and other artifacts.
There is nothing yet to download, I've only constructed
prototypes and test implementations.
Inertia's main goals are:
- Make simple things very simple, but more complex things possible
- Get rid of extraneous symbols and delimiters in the syntax, but...
- Add a little syntactic sugar for collection access and assignment
- Use higher order functions to allow native code to execute more often
- Create a runtime in C++ which is very easy to use and extend
Maybe not in the first versions, but I'd also like to incorporate these later
- Pattern matching for method arguments -- for types and values
- Predicate dispatching and support for DBC and metaprogramming
- Coroutines, generators and thread support for multi-processor machines
Basic Syntax
The syntax of Inertia is a mix between Python, Ruby and
Self anonymous blocks by indentation, and keyword
y = 45 sin -- send
message "sin" to 45, then
send message "y:0.70710" to "self"
1..10 each: i -- create range object with 1..10, then
puts: i --
send message "each:i[block]"
if x in: 1,2,3 -- send message "in:[1,2,3]"
to x
puts: 'yes' -- if true, execute block
Every message can contain an anonymous block. Blocks can
be written on the same line by using "|", which allows for
a sort of meta-syntax the following code contains
two levels of blocks, one using "|" and one by
1..255 each: i | thread:
time = ping: '10.0.0.' + i
list add: '10.0.0.' + i + ": " + time
More examles:
local i, j --
local variables
attr x, y = 0 -- object
const true = 1 -- constant
enum style = Border, NoBorder, Dialog -- enumeration
object Button: Visual
attr x = 10, y = 10
local title = 'Untitled'
method title: string [String]
self title = string
Language Features
Predicate Dispatching
method doit: str [length > 100] --
method table is modified by
puts: 'a long string' --
invariants to remove lookup
method doit: str [String]
puts: 'a long string'
Pattern Matching
method factorial: 0 | 1
method factorial: n | n * factorial: n - 1
method inverse: n
while: 1 | yield 1 / n
Language Comparison
Runtime Library
I wanted the C++ runtime to be almost as easy to use as
the language, so I created a dynamically typed system where
one can use symbols (enumerated strings) for efficiency,
or strings for simplicity. The virtual machine and object
primitives are written in this system.
Value n = 10, y = n (sin_);
Value str = "Hello";
str (replace_, "lo", "ium");
Value MyObject = Object (clone_);
MyObject (attr_, "aVariable", 10);
MyObject (slot_, "myMethod", &aNativeFunction);
Detailed Examples
object Matrix: Object
local rows, cols
local matrix = Array new: rows by: cols
method init: rows by: cols
rows, cols = rows, cols
method *: other
local result = Matrix new
local sum = 0
1..rows,1..cols each: i, j
sum = 0
1..cols each: k
sum += matrix.i,k
* other.k,j
= sum
sub = string.1..5
pos = string.'mike'
File read: 'test.txt'
eachLine: line | line print