
Impulse is an dynamic, object-oriented, prototype based programming language I've been toying with on and off for a few years. It's based upon blocks and predicate dispatching, meaning that a block, or lexical closure, can have multiple definitions and dispatching on these blocks is based on predicates. I dislike special syntax for things such as pattern matching, list comprehension, etc., so Implulse tries to factor these ideas into the language, eliminating special syntax.

I've implemented bits and pieces for testing, but there is no source available at this time. It's still heavy in the design and experiment phase. If you're like me, the best way to learn is by example - so here are a bunch of examples... :)

Misc. Examples

* Return a list of squares

  1..10 map: i -> i * i;

* Return a list of squared evens and cubed odds

  1..10 map: n -> [n is-even?] -> n^2,

                  [n is-odd?]  -> n^3;

* Parse a programming language

  def next-token: stream ->

    stream each: char ->

      [char is-digit?] -> read-number: stream,

      [char is-alpha?] -> read-identifier: stream;



* Other examples showing map, zip, split, sort, etc.

  (1..3, 1..3) map                      => 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3

  (1..3, 1..3) map: i, j -> i * j;      => 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 6, 3, 6, 9

  (1..3, 1..3) zip                      => (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)

  (1..3, 1..3) zip: i, j -> i * j;      => 1, 4, 9

  1..6 slice: 2 | map: i, j -> i * j;   => 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 6, 3, 6, 9

  'one two three' split map: word -> word as-number;

  list sort: a, b -> a > b;

  stream map: r:g:b -> (r + g + b) / 3;

  adder = 1 +
  adder: 2                              => 3

  Impulse		Long version			C-ish Equivalent
  --------------------	------------------------------	--------------------------
  x foo			x send: #foo			x get: #foo			&

  x = y nil? 1		x = if: [y nil?] -> 1		x = y || 1

  x ? foo		if: [x ?] -> x foo		x &&

  x.? foo		if: [x get: #foo] -> x foo ?

Game Example

* Define a Ship object that interacts with other actors

  import: Object.Actor

  def Actor.Ship: color ->

    * At every game tick, test collisions between actors

      def tick: delta ->

        actors each: actor -> test-collision: actor;


    * Define a multi-predicate method to test collisions

      def test-collision: actor ->

        [self distance-to: actor < 1.0] -> self collided-with: actor,

        [self distance-to: actor < 0.0] -> puts "You've imploded!";


    * Append to a multi-predicate method to test validity

      def test-collisions: actor ->

        [self destroyed?] -> puts "Can't crash into nothing";

    * Call collided function on other object collided with

      def collided-with: actor ->
        [Rock] -> puts "Collided with a Rock",
        [Shot] -> puts "Collided with a Shot";


* Create a new ship object

  ship = Actor.Ship clone

* Update ship object

  ship tick