Mike Austin's Blog

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Turning road-blocks into new paths

I'm working on a small OpenGL game, and I use the old trick of drawing anti-aliased lines on top of a solid model for a nice smooth look. Well, if you're object is translucent, you've got a problem. When you draw your lines, they will be blended with your model - making them lighter or darker than the model.

After thinking about how to solve this problem, it occured to me that maybe I could use this to my advantage. It kind of gives the objects a griddy, spacey feel - some lines are darker than the model, some lighter - it's more than just lines on top of the model which I also tried, it's gives it more of a unique style. This reminds me of a podcast I recently listened to by Jason Fried, where he talks about embracing constraints. There's always more than one solution to a problem, so a constraint can actually help you find a better path. Ok, no more self help talk. :)


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