Invariants and Design by Contract
I've just been doing a little reviewing of languages that support DBC programming, such as Eiffel. DBC programming allows you to structure your debugging code without littering it with assert()s. With a few macros I think it would be possible to achieve this in Dylan, while not mutilating the syntax as you would have to in C++. Also, the contracts could be moved out of the methods and act more like aspects in Aspect Oriented Programming.
// Define counter instance methods
// Define method and class invariants
The implementation would look something like this:
// Define counter instance methods
define invariant-method increment (counter :: <counter>)
counter.value := counter.value + 1;
define invariant-method decrement (counter :: <counter>)
counter.value := counter.value - 1;
// Define method and class invariants
define invariant increment (counter :: <counter>, old)
counter.value == old.value + 1;
define invariant increment (counter :: <counter>, old)
counter.value == old.value - 1;
define class invariant (counter :: <counter>)
counter.value >= 0;
The implementation would look something like this:
define method increment (counter :: <counter>)
let old = counter.shallow-copy;
counter.value := counter.value + 1;
increment-invariant (counter, old);
class-invariant (counter, old);
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