Syntax irregularities in Smalltalk
In one aspect, Smalltalk is a very small and elegant language. But I find there are some hidden intricacies when you actually use it. One example is the difference between using the messages whileTrue: and ifTrue:. whileTrue: expects a Block, while ifTrue: expects a Boolean. In the following, at first glance it's not understood why one uses square brackets and the other parenthesis:
[count < 10] whileTrue: [count := count + 1]Once you understand the semantics of Smalltalk then you comprehend it, but I find this somewhat odd. If Block supported the messages of Boolean, I think the syntax would be more orthogonal:
(count < 10) ifTrue: [count := count + 1]
([x > 0] and: [x < 10]) and: ([y > 0] and: [y < 10])Compared with the odd amalgamation of []s and ()s:
((x > 0) and: [x < 10]) and: [(y > 0) and: [y < 10]]
It's not really a syntax irregularity at all. ifTrue: is not part of the language, it is a message selector just like any other. If you want blocks to respond to ifTrue: etc you can implement it very easily.
BlockClosure>>ifTrue: aBlock
self value ifTrue: [ ^aBlock value ].
It's actually the regularity of Smalltalk syntax that you are noticing. Everything is an object, and control structures are not part of the language, they are part of the library.
Mike Hales, at 1:39 PM
I completely understand what you're saying, but I'm talking about syntax at the perceptual level, not the semantic level. For example, when a non-Smalltalker sees:
([x > 0] and: [x < 10]) and: ([y > 0] and: [y < 10])
It's not clear why some expressions use parenthesis and some use square brackets. Once you learn Smalltalk, then it's easy to understand why. This is what I'm talking about when I speak of irregularity - the perceptual grokking of a language.
Maybe contrary to others, I believe that a language should be easy to grok. For example, when I first was learning Dylan, I didn't know the language but I could read the sample code just fine.
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