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Past News
there is no good or bad, but thinking makes it so
- shakespeare
Past News

March 19, 2003  • Has it really been that long??? I've still been working on inertia, but doing other things also. I have finally fixed the 'papers' section, and added a few working papers and a few references. I wish I didn't have to work. :)

December 13, 2002  •  I've Been working on inerita.io, a prototype of inertia written in a prototype based language called "Io" by Steve Dekorte. The image to the right is a demonstration of some tablets, buttons and other controls. The more interesting stuff will come when menus are implemented since menus are a large part of the inertia idea. Happy Holidays!

October 15, 2002  •  Working on miscellaneous projects. More opengl than in the past. The Metallica image to the right was a not planned, I just wanted a 3D model in a 2D scene and it looked cool enough to snapshot. It looks like the electric chair is the core of the wireframe teapot :) Here is an image of the real project. It's just me playing with textures, transparent shadows, and moving and rotating things.

August 29, 2002  •  Added a little pizzazz to the top of the pages and beefed up the reference and internet links sections.. I've worked on inertia a little bit, and it's getting clearer with each round of coding. I Will be adding a few glossaries: programming and 3D graphics, which are in xml and translated with Perl::XSLT on the fly. The xml files will available for download.

August 2, 2002  •  Welcome to www.mike-austin.com. This site was launched in August of 2002 as a place for me to express my ideas and to share information. I kept it simple and strait forward, which is what a site should do. While the site is under construction, you will find links with strikethrough type; these are simply placeholders and do not work.

July 15, 2002  •  The prototype for inertia.ui is making progress, although more time has been spent on this site lately. :) Click the thumbnail to view a larger image. 'Inertia' is what I am calling my combination of a programming language, context user interface, and persistent database. Thumbnail view of inertia.ui screenshot

June 28, 2002  •  You can find my work-in-progress paper the context user interface, studies of computer languages and other papers I have written on this site. Click the thumbnail to view a larger image. Thumbnail view of context user interface mockup
02895 hits since March 19, 2003 · Last modified: March 16, 2010