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Internet Links
just remember love is life, and hate is living death
– Black Sabbath


  • the berlin project  •  www.berlin-consortium.org
    A component based, 3D GUI based on Unicode, CORBA and OpenGL
  • the brain  •  www.thebrain.com
    This is a commercial product that organizes data into "thoughts", which can have several children, parents and links. Each node can be linked to a web site or document and can store rich text in the side panel
  • macintosh os/x  •  www.apple.com/macosx
    Apples new (well, actually modified) operating system for the next Millennium. Originally NeXT OS running on a Mach kernel.
  • beos  •  www.google.com/search?...BeOS
    The best operating system designed, which unfortunately did not make it out alive. Palm now own the operating system and intelectual property of Be.
  • the gnome project  •  www.gnome.org
    GNU Network Object Model Environment. A framework and GUI for component driven interfaces. It attempts to fill the void of a standard Linux GUI and application set
  • the self language  •  http://www.sun.com/research/self
    An experimental prototype based, object-oriented programming language. It inherits much of smalltalk's syntax, but is not a descendent of smalltalk.
  • www.obsoletecomputermuseum.org
    A database of some old computers. I date back to about the VIC-20.
  • sourceforge
  • opengl.org  •  www.opengl.org
  • redmet
  • mediaVoom  •  gaeldesign.com/ib/mediaVoom.php
  • the great computer language shootout  •  www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout



search & news

  • nooface.com  •  www.nooface.com
    Pink Floyd is the ultimate chill band. Turn the lights down low and turn on the lava lamp.
  • extremetech.com  •  www.extremetech.com
    Technology new and reviews
  • dmoz.org  •  dmoz.org
    Open directory project.
  • google labs  •  labs.google.com
    Try some of googles lab projects, such as google glossary, google sets, voice search, and keyboard shortcuts.
  • grammar guide  •  ccc.commnet.edu/grammar
  • flipcode.com  •  www.flipcode.com
    Daily game development news and resources.
  • gamedev.net  •  www.gamedev.net
    Game development news and resources.

fun & misc




strange brew




05028 hits since August 29, 2002 · Last modified: March 16, 2010