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there is no good or bad, but thinking makes it so
- shakespeare

top level navigation

  • projects
    Programming projects I am working on and have worked on in the past. You can find inertia, a block & message based language; and rocks, an authentic vector based asteroids style game.
  • papers
    Papers I have written about programming languages, user interfaces and other various topics. Take a look at the context user interface, a vision I have for simplifying the virtual computer workspace.
  • music
    A tour of my favorite groups that range from 80's metal to 2000's trance. Infected mushroom is now one of my favorite bands. But never forget the classics such as Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and ZZ Top.



  • images
    Images that I have collected over time, such as fractals, optical illusions and other art. There will also be a collection of personal art if I ever actually make something. This site is considered art, isn't it? :)
  • reference
    I have created a few glossaries for quick reference. You can find programming, database, and 3D graphics glossaries.
  • quotes
    A listing of my favorite quotes. Quotes can inspire, motivate, and change your way of thinking. Every page on this site has a unique quote listed in the upper right relative to the page topic.
  • internet links
    Here you will find external links to web sites, web pages and newsgroups; technical and non-technical, humorous and not-so-humerous.
Recent News

July 26, 2003  • Released new OpenGL Windows screensaver - Gravity ScreenSaver. It's based on n-body gravitation, and each particle changes color based on its mass and velocity. It's around 400 lines of code.

March 19, 2003  • Has it really been that long??? I've still been working on inertia, but doing other things also. I have finally fixed the 'papers' section, and added a few working papers and a few references. I wish I didn't have to work. :)

December 13, 2002  •  I've Been working on inerita.io, a prototype of inertia written in a prototype based language called "Io" by Steve Dekorte. The image to the right is a demonstration of some tablets, buttons and other controls. The more interesting stuff will come when menus are implemented since menus are a large part of the inertia idea. Happy Holidays!

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