Mike Austin's Blog

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Disk Drop

Disk Drop

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wild Wild Firefly?

I just tried watching Firefly - what's up with the western theme??

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


> I just realized Jeff Bridges aka The Dude, was in Tron. It will never be the same again.
>> XD
>> that reminds me: I need more Kahlua
> lol
> no no no no no no no no
>> what.
> yes

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Add regular expression search to Firefox

/Find Bar/ 1.0.1
A souped up findbar with regular expression capabilities

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Language amusements

I've been working on my language, Impulse, and can now finally evaluate somewhat amusing expressions:

f = x -> (1..x) each: n -> puts: x + n
f eval: 5
f = lambda { |x| (1..x).each { |n| puts n * n } }
f.call 5
The Ruby version isn't bad, but it's sure got lots of curlies and bars. Ultimately I want to support predicate blocks, which only evaluate if the predicate is true:

(1..10) map: n [n is-even?] -> n * n

Friday, May 15, 2009

Gprof2Dot: Convert profiling output to a dot graph


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

MinGW runs under Wine!

No need for a Windows machine to compile Windows apps! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shoes graphics toolkit

Shoes is a tiny graphics toolkit, designed for beginners. But make no mistake: this is real programming. You can make real, colorful apps in Shoes.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Top 10 Most Memorable Movie Cars

Top 10 Most Memorable Movie Cars

Windows to Ubuntu 9.04

My Windows box is slowly dying, so I decided to try using my Linux box as my main machine. I copied over my Thunderbird and Firefox profiles and viola - my e-mail, feeds and newgroups are working! There were a couple hiccups, like Yahoo! News is "99b0bbe5", which I just have to rename.

Here are a few simple things I did to customize it to my liking:

System > Preferences > Appearance
Theme: Clearlooks

style "default" {
GtkScrollbar::slider-width = 18 # Make scrollbars a touch larger
GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 4 # Even out spacing for top and bottom menu items

"\e[A": history-search-backward # simply begin typing and press up-arrow to search history
"\e[B": history-search-forward
set show-all-if-ambiguous on # Stop having to pres tab twice to see all command completions

If I can get Photoshop working in Wine, that would be the ultimate.